职业生涯 & Professional Development


Located in Schaeffer Hall, First Floor

Alex Lee职业发展中心帮助你发现自己的真实个性, explore academic majors and career options, find internships and part-time work and prepare for life after graduation.


无论你是刚开始工作的学生还是有多年工作经验的毕业生, 全球网赌十大网站提供职业和专业发展资源,帮助您充分利用您的LR学位.


小班授课使你更容易在个人层面上了解你的教授和同学. 通过就业中心,学生们有机会建立关系网并找到实习或工作.

贡纳·安德森 ’22, Finance/Management

服务 & 资源

全球网赌十大网站和 雇主和成千上万的贝尔校友建立强大的专业网络,帮助你获得实习和工作机会.

The center offers the following services and assistance for students and alumni.

  • Internship micro-grants
  • 职业生涯 closet with free professional clothing
  • 关注2 self-assessment system (access code: Bears4Life)
  • Choosing a major that fits you well
  • 职业生涯 and personality assessments
  • 职业生涯 research and decision-making
  • 职业生涯 Connectors - linking alumni with current students and alumni
  • Confidential counseling and coaching
  • Resume writing and review
  • Interview preparation and mock interviews
  • 求职小贴士
  • Internship search and application
  • 研究生 school application tips
  • Professional networking strategies
  • Presenting yourself professionally
  • Assistance with work-study or off-campus part-time jobs while in school



所有LR学生和校友都可以获得免费、保密的职业咨询和指导. Contact 凯蒂Wohlman, director of career and professional development at 凯蒂.wohlman@bjjdwxw.net or 828.328.7699 for an appointment.

  • 简历审查

    If you are ready to craft a resume but not sure how to get started, 预约和全球网赌十大网站谈谈你的简历如何展示你独特的技能和能力.

  • Mock Interviews

    Nail that your interview with an employer for an internship or full-time job. 约个时间来练习面试——从如何握手到回答棘手的问题,再到如何结束面试.

    The mock interview lasts approximately 30 minutes and is followed by a 20-minute critique. During the review, you will learn what you did well and how you can improve. All mock interviews are currently being conducted virtually, via Zoom.

  • 职业生涯 Workshops


  • Job 搜索 Assistance and Strategies


  • 研究生 School Preparation

    We assist in the application process and provide information on the GRE, GMAT考试, 考试, LSDAS and the MCAT. 全球网赌十大网站还为您提供机会,在每年的秋季和春季学期参加练习测试,以帮助您更好地准备这些研究生考试.

  • 网络

    Most people get their jobs through people they know. If you are curious about how to build your professional network, 与全球网赌十大网站预约,讨论如何了解Hickory地区(及其他地区)的雇主,提高你获得实习和工作机会的机会.

  • Work-Study Program


    研究生 students are eligible to work on campus as graduate assistants (GA). To apply for a GA position, visit the 在劳氏工作 页面. 

    • Federal Work-Study (FWS)
      FWS计划旨在促进兼职就业机会,以帮助学生间接支付教育费用. The 金融援助 Office, 根据联邦法规和有关学生财务状况的机密信息, determines eligibility for FWS. 符合条件的学生将获得FWS奖励,并在其经济援助奖励信上获得年度收入限制. The offer of FWS on a financial aid award letter is not a guarantee of work.
    • Departmental Work-Study (DWS)
      就业就业计划是由劳氏设计的,目的是让没有资格获得就业就业计划的学生获得兼职工作,以帮助他们支付间接的教育费用. 没有获得FWS奖励的学生可以寻求并申请由个别部门资助的校内职位.
    • America Reads/America Counts (AR/AC)
      The AR/AC Project, a federal community service program, 校外辅导计划的目的是让大学生帮助小学生提高阅读和数学能力,同时帮助他们自己承担间接的教育费用吗. 学生必须在他们的经济援助奖励信上获得FWS的奖励,才有资格参加AR/AC项目. 学生 are required to provide their own transportation to and from the 辅导 site.



We want to help you connect with our talented students and alumni. 该中心提供许多服务来帮助你找到合适的候选人.

We provide services for undergraduate and graduate students at the Hickory, 阿什维尔, and Columbia campuses. 勒努瓦-雷恩学院实行学期制,学生在5月、12月和8月毕业.

For more information about recruiting, or if you have questions, please contact 凯蒂Wohlman, director of career and professional development, at 凯蒂.wohlman@bjjdwxw.net or 828.328.7699.

教师 & 工作人员


安排一次班级参观或计划一次会议,讨论全球网赌十大网站如何共同努力来帮助全球网赌十大网站的学生, please contact 凯蒂Wohlman, director of career and professional development, at 凯蒂.wohlman@bjjdwxw.net or 828.328.7699.

  • 教师 & 工作人员 Opportunities

    教师 and staff at LR work with the center in a variety of ways. 如果您对以下任何机会感兴趣或想与全球网赌十大网站讨论合作,请全球赌博十大网站.

    • Conduct in-class résumé workshops
    • Conduct mock interviews for all students
    • Assist with finding internship contacts
    • Co-facilitate career fairs
    • Identify companies to visit classes, share case studies
  • Work-Study Employment

    If you have a work-study position and are looking to recruit an eligible student, contact the director to post a position.


If you are a parent of an LR student or alumnus/a, you know first-hand the value of a Lenoir-Rhyne education.

全球网赌十大网站一直在寻找雇主列出与全球网赌十大网站一起实习和工作的机会,或者指导学生. If you would like to learn more, please contact 凯蒂Wohlman, director of career and professional development, at 凯蒂.wohlman@bjjdwxw.net or 828.328.7699.